
Showing posts from July, 2019


         Today I was having a conversation with a friend. We were talking about something she wanted to do that is against her religion, culture and morals(don't worry it doesn't involve murdering someone). It was something she was curious about and just wanted to experience, of course I'm not going to mention what it is since it will be against her will but we talked about it and I told her a thing or two  I learnt about curiosity through out my experiences. Us people are curious about almost all things. That is one of the things that make us different from animals, we get curious and we ask questions, then want to experience then it just keeps going. Curiosity can be parted into 2. The good and the bad curiosity . The good curiosity is the kind of curiosity that made Isaac Newton wonder what made an apple fall off a tree, later on to study it and discover GRAVITY.  It is those kind of curiosities that can actually bring change to our lives. And t...